Register free on www.anupamshaadi.com Login to anupamshaadi.com, update your personal information like religion, cast, contact details, family details, partner preference etc. Upload your photographs.
Login to anupamshaadi.com. Search the profiles using different search options like Quick Search, Advance search, Matri id search etc. Save the profiles matches with your criteria.
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Go to home page of www.anupamshaadi.com click on Tab "Register Free" or Click on button "Register". Fill out the all the required information as accurately and click on the "Register" button. After submitting your information you will be redirected for Mobile number verification. After entering your Mobile number , verification code is send to your Mobile. After entering correct verification code you will be redirected to complete Registration form. Fill out all required information, we will send you a confirmation link on your Email ID. Logon to your Email ID and click on confirmation link which will be provided in our mail. After successful confirmation of your Email ID we will send your Matri ID and Password to your email id, and you will become a Registered member of Anupamshaadi. It is absolutely FREE of cost!
Sometimes emails get lost. Or check in your spam. Or it is possible that you may have entered an incorrect email address by mistake. You can email us with the Name, username and email address that you used to register, and we will go through it and get back to you as soon as possible. Or it is possible that your email will be queued on our mail server and it may take a while to send a email on your Email ID so kindly checkout email after sometime.
Go to home page you will find the Login form. Then enter your "Matri ID" or your "Email Id" and your "Password" and press enter or click on button "Login". For Desktop site, you will find at the top the button labeled with "Login".It will redirect you to the login page.
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